Far too few people still know the difference between a vulva and a vagina. Even though most of us have encountered at least one vulva. Studies such as the Eve Appeal survey with 2,000 participants* show more than clearly how ignorant we are in this area: Only half of the men questioned knew where and what the vagina was, two thirds could not identify the vulva. And due to lack of quality sex-education in schools unfortunately also many women still don't know about the difference in their vulva vs vagina, even if they themselves own both regions.
Female sexuality still gets far too little attention and recognition. But here you'll learn everything you need to know about your Vulva - a real power organ.
What's the difference between Vulva and Vagina?
So here's a little refresher for you or those who are unsure about the location of the vulva vs vagina:
What is the Vulva
The external sexual organs are called the vulva. These include the labia, the clitoris and the mound of Venus (Mons veneris). Have a look at our vulva anatomy drawing to get a clear idea.
If you are a person who own a vulva yourself we highly recommend to take a hand mirror and take a look at your own beautiful vulva. Compare it to our vulva anatomy drawing and get a better understanding about your sexy private parts. If you want to extend your sexual discovery journey you then can also start to masturbate and understand in which ways you enjoy to be touched in the different areas.
What is the Vagina
The vagina is the tubular inner sex organ that connects the cervix and uterus with the vulva. It can be between 7.5 and 12.5 centimeters long.
What is the difference between Vulva and Labia?
The vulva includes all external sexual organs. Two inner and two outer labia are part of the external female sexual organs and with it part of the Vulva.
Can you put vaseline on your vag?
Are you talking about your vagina or your vulva..? Well with both vaseline it's not the best idea: Don't use vaseline as sexual lubricant, it increases risk of vagina irritation and infection. If you want to moisturize your pubic area use an unscented, alcohol-free moisturizer.
Do different Vaginas feel different?
Just like all other parts of the body, every vagina feels a little different. Of course, the same is true for vulvas. With these, the shapes also vary quite a bit, which brings a wonderful variety among female bodies.
How many holes does a female have?
In the genital area there is a total of 3 holes. Part of the vulva are the opening to the vagina and the opening to the urethra. The third hole is the anus.
Similarity of Penis and Vagina
The female and the male sexual organs are more similar than you might think. You could even claim with a clear conscience that there can be no such thing as penis envy, because women have a penis in a way, and men have a vagina in a way. Men and women have countless erectile tissue cells that react to arousal. Both have a shaft and a foreskin - women just have a different name. And both were first formed in the same way in the womb. This is because the sex-forming proteins are only produced by hormones after some time. So we are the same from the beginning and find our sex only later.
The Vulva makes the Difference
However, we women have one advantage over men and that is the vulva. Unlike the penis and the vagina, the vulva serves pure pleasure. Yay! It is supposed to stimulate us sexually and it often does that very well. The motors of lust are almost 8,000 nerve cells that make your vulva an organ of absolute excellence. The penis, on the other hand, only makes it to 4,000 nerve cells, which is half - sorry, but not sorry guys. No wonder that Shere Hite already wrote in the 70s in her Hite Report that about 70 percent of all women need clitoral stimulation to reach climax. Because this is where most of the nerve cells are located that make you tremble. Blunt in-out brings the desired success with very few women and this has not changed in the last 50 years. But how does this miracle at best provide you with one climax after the other? The excitement causes the glands behind the labia and the erectile tissue in your vulva to swell. This makes the inner part of the clitoris more prominent and the nerve endings are more easily accessible. This considerably increases your pleasure level during sex and also explains why you may not feel much when you are not yet aroused enough.
Why did the Vulva go unnoticed for so long?
We now simply hope that the vulva has received attention from its owners over the decades and centuries. But for a long time science simply ignored it. The term vagina originated as early as the 17th century, when people were looking for a name for the part of the woman into which the man stuck his "sword". Little creative, but at least appropriate, the term vagina was born here, which means nothing more than vagina in Latin.
No term was invented for the outer part of the female genitalia. The visible organs, which were not important for men, suddenly became invisible. And this was not to change for a long time. Female sexuality remained hidden for centuries - women served for reproduction and satisfaction of the man. If they lived out their own sexuality freely, they were mostly condemned. This is one of the reasons why female lust is so little researched today compared to male lust. We do not even know how exactly the individual nerve cells of the vulva transport the stimuli to the brain.
"The man has a sexual organ. The woman has a hole. It is defined by an absence".
Mithu Sanyal (cultural scientist, journalist and author) in the Stern interview
My Vulva, my Playground!
This is how you should look at your vulva, vagina and everything else that goes with it. Because only if you know yourself really well here, you will become more self-confident and have better sex with the right partner and a healthy portion of self-love. Unfortunately, too many women still shy away from exploring their vulva. But every woman should enjoy the discovery tour. Simple feeling and touching is the first way, and you can also sit in front of a mirror with your legs apart.
If you want to include your partner, of course you can do that too. He or she will be happy to explore your vulva a little more closely. You both learn which "buttons" should be pressed to have fun.
And: Satisfy yourself! With a little practice this will not only lead to the climax but will also create a connection between you and your vulva. You are not sure whether you will reach orgasm clitorally or vaginally? Then just try it. It's also a wonderful and fun way to test where exactly you are most sensitive and what you love. Your vulva and your vagina will thank you for it.
Is my Vulva beautiful?
The answer is simple: Yes! And yet women still ask themselves time and again whether their vulva is beautiful enough or meets the standard. Even cosmetic surgery, where the labia are shortened, is becoming more and more popular. And your vulva is as unique as your fingerprint. It's perfectly normal for it to look different to your girlfriends and to change over the course of your life. The important thing is that you accept your vulva. Because you can hardly change it. If you have any questions about your vulva or vagina, the gynaecologist is the best place to ask. If you're really unsure about the appearance of your vulva, you can get rid of all your fears here. During the regular check-ups the gynaecologist will also draw your attention to any severe changes in the vulva. So that your and other vulva's can end their shadowy existence, you should above all know and accept yourself well. However, it doesn't hurt either if we all stop trying to avoid the term and stop trying to find ways of belittling our vulva. In the end, society will also be trained and become more open to what are actually completely harmless topics that have been taboo for too long.
LET US KNOW: How do you feel about the treatment of female sexuality? Do you discuss your vulva with your partner? What should change for you in society so that we all speak openly with each other? We are looking forward to your comments, inspirations and opinions!